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Typing with gloves, can you imagine?
Wednesday, Feb. 12, 2003
Marie is The current mood of at

Can I reiterate that it was fucking cold this afternoon? I felt like I was going to die of hypothermia or something. In my house! It was quite a sight, me sitting at the computer wearing gloves and slippers. I actually pondered wearing my winter coat, but thought that was a little silly and opted for the mentioned sweathshirt. I was typing in gloves! Ha. Eventually I just turned my heat right up until I couldn't breathe anymore and have since found a decent temperature.

I've just spent waayyyy too long reading all my buddy's diaries to pick out some quotes for my new diary. A new diary, you say? Yes, I'm abandoning the only online diary I've ever had. Fuck you Damieon. I really hate having my diary locked, so I'm just going to start a new one and slowly but surely, transfer all the entries over there. I have over 500 though, so it's going to be a bitch.

Despite the late nights this week, I feel like I've really changed my sleeping habits for the better. I usually get up no later than 10 a.m. so I can get a lot more done these days. I'm not nearly as tired either (right now is a definite exception) so I think I can safely tell my doctor that I don't need to increase my dose of Zoloft. I would be pretty ashamed to say I needed the highest dose, which I'm only one step away from. I still maintain that I have a very efficient system.

So, I have my ultrasound tomorrow afternoon. I'm so glad that I'll be getting it done and over with... you don't know what a weight it takes off my shoulders. I'm not too keen on actually being there with that condescending twat that calls herself a technician while she prods my uterus, pushing it into my overfilled bladder. I surely hope this is the last ultrasound I need to get before baby #2 comes along (not anytime in the near future, okay?). Every now and then I'll feel really sick to my stomach or have a completely exhausting day, even just having to go to the bathroom really badly... and for a second I think, "Geez baby, can you give me a break?" before I realize I'm not pregnant anymore. What's it going to take for me to put all this to rest? I'm beginning to think it'll always be plaguing my mind... I need to get on with my life, why can my mind not understand that?

I mistakenly had junk food today. My brother got a bag of chips for me out of pure kindness (how he can chow down a full bad of extra butter popcorn every day baffles me). I hardly even have any meals with substantial fat, let alone greasy snacks. Anyway, It was around 7 p.m. and all I'd had all day was a PBJ sandwich and I was too lazy to cook, let alone leave my room. Note to self: don't eat chips again if you can help it. Yuck, I've been feeling like crap ever since. It's like I can feel it sitting in my stomach, trying to overwhelm me with guilt. I think I had around 7 oatmeal raisin cookies as well, just to get the taste out of my system (unsuccessful). I feel like a pig! I'm going to be making up for this, I can't gain weight again. These khakis are loose on me when I could barely get into them last semester and I'm not going back to that.

I was chatting with Nicole today and she had some good news for me. She'd been talking to my old landlord's girlfriend and asked about my stuff. She said that there were still some boxes over there that he hadn't gotten rid of. I know he took my brand new stereo, vcr and lightning thingy as those alone were worth a good $500 or so, but they can be replaced. I still think it was a travesty of justice, but I'm mostly concerned about all my books and sentimental stuff. I really hope they'll just let Nicole pick them up, but I wouldn't doubt it if he demands money before he lets it go. I need some good vibes!

For the second day in a row, I'm going to leave out a lot of news because I'm just dead right now and having a hard time just trying to stay awake. Cross your fingers for my ultrasound tomorrow. I want a healthy, empty uterus and no more doctor's appointments! And I just realized, this is the third anniversary of my beloved diary. Wow.

I'm wearing: Baby tee, STU sweatshirt, khakis, frog socks, butterfly slippers
I'm listening to: The young crazed peeling *The Distillers*
I'm thinking: I need to pee and go to bed

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