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vegetarian talk
Friday, Jun. 07, 2002
Marie is The current mood of at

i've been contemplating on cutting meat out of my diet again sooner than i'd planned. originally, i told myself i'd cut it out when i got back to fredericton. i'd have my own place again (well, damieon and i) and i could buy my own groceries and not be knocked about my life choices.

now, i'm getting more and more turned off from meat. at first, my stomach could take little more than a few bites, but since introduction in march, my tastes have been turned off from all types of meat again... even chicken, which is basically one of the two types of meat that i'll tolerate. that and ground beef.

last night, i had this conversation with alexis bledel and julia stiles about how meat is so gross, and how awful the texture and feel is, etc. i connected with them SOELEY on that one simililarity. maybe it WAS a dream, but my opinions are real. i'm not consuming animals at the moment because it tastes good. i'm doing it because i need the protein boost, and because i don't always have a choice as to what i'm being fed under other people's rooves (this latter reason didn't interfere when i was a veggie, but adds on to the first).

i STILL can't eat any other pizza than vegetarian, and you will NOT find me with porckchops or steak or rack of lamb. i'd pick my vegetarian practises right back up again this very second if it was the right time. but i have to take into account that i'm going to be staying with my family in switzerland and germany in a little over three weeks. they're not so understanding about my beliefs (and i'm pretty sure they won't be happy with my body piercings) and i don't think they'd jump at the chance to change their cooking plans for me. i remember when my grandfather got royally pissed with me when i wouldn't eat asparagus soup. instead, i asked to order some french fries.

so, i'll just wait for when i go back to fredericton and hope that my stomach will hang in there until that time comes.

I'm wearing: baby tee, stu scrubs, butterfly socks
I'm listening to: sorry i am *ani difranco*
I'm thinking: i LOVE it when the house is actually quiet.

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