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woe is me
Monday, Oct. 29, 2001
Marie is The current mood of at

i've been up since 8:30 this morning, by choice! i guess i can contribute that to the fact that i fell asleep early (12:00=early for me) on the couch. i remember getting up around 2 a.m. to clean up after marilyn, take out my contacts, and crawl into bed.

since i've been up, i've gotten all ready for class this afternoon. and that's it. of course i could always get some readings done but that seems all too logical.

at least i've got lots of food again. i went and got myself a heaping cart of food. 220 bucks! i even allowed myself some luxuries, like ben & jerry's chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream, mochacchino ice cream, ice cream sandwiches... mmm... brownie mix, cake mix, icing, cookies... and then i went and got me some "exotic" fruit... grapes, honeydew melon, and bananas. yes, i'm living the high life =o)

i wanted to surprise nicole by leaving my planned trip for the last minute, and tell her to come and pick me up when i got there or something along those lines. but marilyn was on the phone with her last night, and just blabbed it to her. i could have hit her, i swear. the fucker. so i told her "i wanted to tell her!" so she gave me the phone, i mean it was already too late. so i was like "what she said". but i can't wait to go out there!

i wanna get my eyebrow pierced, but i'm running out of money. plus, i don't know how good it will look on me. and i'm sick of cleaning body piercings. and my dad is going to kill me. but... i wanna get it done!

still no phone call from justin. no e-mail from justin. i'm starting to get worried, but i hate confrontations, and that's the only reason why i haven't picked the phone up and called him myself. it's been over a week since i've heard from him. which is scary. i really hope he didn't get pissed off at me for not calling him back. what if he went with hollie? i mean she's right there, and i'm all the way out here in another province. and i've got two more months before i get to see him.


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