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yucky stuff
Wednesday, Jan. 23, 2002
Marie is The current mood of at

hey, this will be incredibly short for what i have to say, but deal with it. i'm typing with only one finger (two finger typer) and my pain medicaton is making me unbelievably nauseous.

so, did anyone remotely miss me over this past week? i would have updated a few times, but i didn't know how to get my laptop. so now an explanation for my disappearance.

i got hit by a car. on friday. went through the whole ambulance/screaming like a madman/selective memory crap. had surgery done on my arm, fought with pain medications.

but, as i said, i'm extremely nauseous right now, and i just got out of the hospital so i'd like to get some real sleep.

if any of you know me, call me. i'd love the company.

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